Student Hiring/Nepotism
Student Hiring
The Library is committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all students. Supervisors should seek to hire the most qualified applicant and not rely solely on “word of mouth” recruiting. Formal interviews should be conducted to assist supervisors in selecting the most qualified applicant.
All student positions must be posted on the BYU Student employment website. Exceptions must have prior approval from the Library HR office. Considerations for exceptions will include the specialized skills required for the position and the specialized skills of the candidate. Former library student employees may be rehired within the same department without opening a position.
Please note that when hiring a student, one of two options must be met:
1) Send the student to our office (2224 HBLL) with a filled out hiring form.
2) Come in person with the student to our office to further the hiring process.
Either way, we require that the student comes to our office in person because there are questions we must ask them in order to record their information accurately. Once they have completed their hiring information with us, and have completed paperwork at Student Employment if necessary, we will notify the supervisor once they have been approved to work. Students should not clock in or be working unless they have been approved to work.
In an effort to support equal employment opportunity the Library has adopted a strict nepotism policy. If a student applicant is related by blood or marriage to any employee within the department in which he/she is seeking employment, the supervisor must obtain approval from the Assistant University Librarian for Personnel (routed through the HR Manager) before making a job offer to the student. Relatives include children, brother, sister, nephew, niece, in-laws and cousins and other step or half relationships.